UV index today  UV Index

UV Index Today

When planning outdoor activities, it's important to check the UV index for the day.

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The UV index measures the intensity of ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, which can lead to skin damage and an increased risk of developing skin lesions.

Checking the UV index before heading outside can help you take appropriate precautions, such as wearing protective clothing, sunglasses, and sunscreen.

Below, you can see which cities have the highest UV index in the world today.


Today's highs


What is UV Index?

The UV index is a measure of the strength of UV radiation from the sun. It ranges from 0 to 11+, with higher values indicating a greater risk of skin damage.


The index takes into account factors such as the time of day, cloud cover, altitude, and ozone levels.

A higher UV index means that you are more likely to get a sunburn or other skin damage if you are outside for an extended period without protection.

Some of our popular cities to check the UV index include New York City, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, San Diego, and Los Angeles.

UV Index Tanning

Tanning can be a relaxing and enjoyable activity, but it's important to be aware of the risks.

Tanning beds and sunlamps emit UV radiation, which can cause skin damage as well.

It's essential to check the UV index before using a tanning bed or sunlamp. If the UV index is high, it's best to avoid tanning altogether or to use protective measures such as sunscreen and protective clothing.

UV Index near me

You can easily check the UV index for your area by using an app or our website that provides this information. Many weather apps and websites include UV index information as part of their forecasts.

Some apps also offer personalized recommendations based on your skin type, location, and other factors.

Highest UV Index Recorded

The highest UV index ever recorded was 43.3, and this remarkable record was achieved on December 29, 2003. It happened at the peak of the Licancabur Volcano in the Andes mountain range, located in South America.

To put this in perspective, this UV index is closer to what we might encounter on the surface of Mars rather than what's typical on Earth, where readings usually hover in the mid-20s, even in the high Andes.

This exceptional surge in UV-B radiation can be attributed to a combination of factors, including ozone depletion, thunderstorms, wildfires, and a solar flare.