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Today's UV index in St Albans, Australia will be up to 10.1, indicating a very high level of sun exposure for the average person. Check the annual sun radiation in the city and our tips for today to make sure you're safe in the sun.
With a UV index of 10.1 in St Albans, it's crucial to safeguard your skin from harmful UV rays. Protect yourself by minimizing sun exposure, wearing protective clothing, and applying SPF 30+ sunscreen every 2 hours.
The UV index in St Albans, Australia can be high, particularly during summer months. It's important to note that a high UV index can pose risks for skin damage and health issues.
St Albans experiences four distinct seasons, with hot summers and cool winters. Spring and autumn offer mild temperatures, making them ideal times for outdoor activities. Be prepared for varying weather conditions throughout the year.
Compared to its region and neighboring countries, St Albans' weather is relatively mild. While Australia is known for its hot summers, St Albans' temperatures are moderated by its inland location. Nearby countries such as New Zealand and Indonesia have more extreme weather patterns, including colder winters and wetter conditions.
The chart below displays the average Shortwave Radiation Sum (MJ/m²) for each month of the last year in St Albans. It's designed to provide you with a better understanding of the yearly weather and sun exposure.