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Today's UV index in Oía, Greece will be up to 2.5, indicating a low level of sun exposure for the average person. Check the annual sun radiation in the city and our tips for today to make sure you're safe in the sun.
Today, the UV index suggests low sun danger (0-2) in Oía, reaching up to 2.5. Remember sunglasses and SPF 30+ on sunny days, and be cautious around reflective surfaces like sand, water, and snow for increased UV exposure.
Oía, South Aegean, Greece experiences a high UV index during the summer months, typically reaching levels of 9-10, making it essential to take precautions. The UV index is lower during the spring and autumn, ranging from 5-7.
The region has a Mediterranean climate, characterized by mild winters and warm summers. Winter temperatures range from 10-15°C (50-59°F), while summer temperatures can reach up to 28°C (82°F). The spring and autumn seasons are mild and pleasant, making them ideal for tourism.
Compared to other regions in Greece, Oía's weather is relatively mild and dry. It is similar to the climate of neighboring countries such as Turkey and Cyprus, which also have Mediterranean climates. However, Oía's unique location in the Aegean Sea means it experiences a slightly cooler climate than inland regions.