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Today's UV index in Novosaratovka, Russia will be up to 0.1, indicating a low level of sun exposure for the average person. Check the annual sun radiation in the city and our tips for today to make sure you're safe in the sun.
Today, the UV index suggests low sun danger (0-2) in Novosaratovka, reaching up to 0.1. Remember sunglasses and SPF 30+ on sunny days, and be cautious around reflective surfaces like sand, water, and snow for increased UV exposure.
In Novosaratovka, Leningradskaya Oblast', Russia, the UV index is moderate, with an average annual value of 3, indicating a relatively low risk of UV radiation. The index peaks in June and July, reaching a high of 5, before decreasing in the winter months.
Novosaratovka experiences a humid continental climate, with four distinct seasons. Winters are cold and snowy, with average temperatures ranging from -10°C to -15°C (14°F to 5°F). Summers are mild, with average temperatures between 15°C and 20°C (59°F to 68°F). Spring and autumn are characterized by mild temperatures and gradual changes.
Compared to the Leningradskaya Oblast' region, Novosaratovka's climate is relatively similar, with minimal variations in temperature and precipitation. Neighboring countries, such as Finland and Estonia, experience a similar climate, with slight differences in temperature and precipitation patterns due to their proximity to the Baltic Sea.