00.0 ℃
Today's UV index in Nakhon Sawan, Thailand will be up to 7.8, indicating a high level of sun exposure for the average person. Check the annual sun radiation in the city and our tips for today to make sure you're safe in the sun.
With Nakhon Sawan's UV index reaching 7.8, protect your skin from harm by staying in shade, wearing protective clothing, and applying SPF 30+ sunscreen every 2 hours between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when UV rays are strongest.
The UV index in Nakhon Sawan, Thailand is typically high, reaching intense levels during the peak of dry season. This is due to the city's location near the equator, which results in strong solar radiation.
Nakhon Sawan experiences two main seasons: dry and wet. The dry season lasts from November to April, with February being the coolest month. The wet season runs from May to October, characterized by high humidity and heavy rainfall.
Compared to its region and neighboring countries, Nakhon Sawan is hot and humid year-round. While Northern Thailand also has two seasons, it is generally cooler due to higher altitudes. Nearby countries like Laos and Cambodia share similar weather patterns but may vary in temperature and rainfall depending on their geographical features.