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Today's UV index in Mount Maunganui, New Zealand will be up to 10.7, indicating a very high level of sun exposure for the average person. Check the annual sun radiation in the city and our tips for today to make sure you're safe in the sun.
With a UV index of 10.7 in Mount Maunganui, it's crucial to safeguard your skin from harmful UV rays. Protect yourself by minimizing sun exposure, wearing protective clothing, and applying SPF 30+ sunscreen every 2 hours.
Mount Maunganui, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand experiences a subtropical oceanic climate with high UV indices, especially during summer months. The region's proximity to the equator and coastal location contribute to intense sunlight, making it essential to be mindful of UV exposure.
The region has a mild climate overall, with four distinct seasons. Winters are cool and wet, while summers are warm and humid. Spring and autumn bring gentle temperatures, making them ideal for outdoor activities. Compared to the rest of New Zealand, the Bay of Plenty has a more subtropical climate.
In comparison to neighboring countries, Mount Maunganui's weather is similar to that of eastern Australia, with temperatures slightly milder than those in southeastern Australia. The region's climate is also more humid than that of southern New Zealand, but drier than that of tropical Pacific Island nations.