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Today's UV index in La Paz, Honduras will be up to 9.1, indicating a very high level of sun exposure for the average person. Check the annual sun radiation in the city and our tips for today to make sure you're safe in the sun.
With a UV index of 9.1 in La Paz, it's crucial to safeguard your skin from harmful UV rays. Protect yourself by minimizing sun exposure, wearing protective clothing, and applying SPF 30+ sunscreen every 2 hours.
La Paz, Departamento de La Paz, Honduras experiences a tropical savanna climate with high UV index levels throughout the year, averaging 11-12 UV radiation units. This suggests intense sunlight and potential heat stress.
The region has two distinct weather seasons: a dry season from November to April and a rainy season from May to October. The dry season is characterized by clear skies and warm temperatures, while the rainy season brings occasional heavy rainfall.
La Paz's climate is comparable to other regions in Central America, with neighboring countries like El Salvador and Guatemala experiencing similar tropical savanna climates. However, La Paz tends to receive less rainfall than its neighboring departments in Honduras, such as Comayagua and Francisco Morazán.