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Today's UV index in Glendale, United States will be up to 2.9, indicating a low level of sun exposure for the average person. Check the annual sun radiation in the city and our tips for today to make sure you're safe in the sun.
Today, the UV index suggests low sun danger (0-2) in Glendale, reaching up to 2.9. Remember sunglasses and SPF 30+ on sunny days, and be cautious around reflective surfaces like sand, water, and snow for increased UV exposure.
The UV index in Glendale, USA, typically ranges from 2 in winter to 9 in summer, reaching its peak in July. This index helps measure the strength of the sun's UV rays, with higher values indicating a greater potential for sun damage.
Glendale experiences four distinct seasons. Winters are mild and damp, summers are hot and dry, while spring and autumn offer pleasant temperatures and moderate rainfall. This climate allows for a variety of outdoor activities and the growth of diverse flora and fauna.
Compared to its region and neighboring countries, Glendale's weather is quite different. The southwestern United States is known for its arid climate and large temperature differences between day and night. In contrast, countries like Mexico and Canada have a wider range of weather conditions, from tropical to subarctic.
The chart below displays the average Shortwave Radiation Sum (MJ/m²) for each month of the last year in Glendale. It's designed to provide you with a better understanding of the yearly weather and sun exposure.