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Today's UV index in Basel, Switzerland will be up to 1.5, indicating a low level of sun exposure for the average person. Check the annual sun radiation in the city and our tips for today to make sure you're safe in the sun.
Today, the UV index suggests low sun danger (0-2) in Basel, reaching up to 1.5. Remember sunglasses and SPF 30+ on sunny days, and be cautious around reflective surfaces like sand, water, and snow for increased UV exposure.
The UV index in Basel, Switzerland typically ranges from 1 to 8. In winter, the index is low, while during summer months it can reach higher levels.
Basel experiences four distinct seasons. Spring arrives in March, bringing mild temperatures and blooming flowers. Summers are warm, with highs around 25°C. Autumn, from September to November, is cool and colorful. Winters are chilly, with temperatures often dropping below 0°C.
Compared to its region and neighboring countries, Basel is relatively mild. While the nearby Alps can be very cold, Basel's location in the northern part of the country, near the Rhine River, provides a moderating influence, resulting in a more temperate climate.
The chart below displays the average Shortwave Radiation Sum (MJ/m²) for each month of the last year in Basel. It's designed to provide you with a better understanding of the yearly weather and sun exposure.